The quickest and easiest way to pay in a cheque is by using our mobile app. To find out how to do this in the App and for more information see our FAQs.
Alternatively you can post them into us or pop into any HSBC branch or Post Office®. You can also pay in cash at either of these locations.
Find out more about how to pay in a cheque or pay in cash
You can update your address in our App. Just visit the ‘More’ menu and select ‘Profile’.
If you don’t have our App, you can call us on 03 456 100 100 to change your address.
To find out more about how to change your address visit our managing personal details page.
If your device supports these features, you can do the following:
You can access our Mobile App to:. set up new payee’s and make Bill Payments to people in the UK. send money between your first direct account(s), and. view account balances. pay in cheques any time, any place using your compatible phone. Value limits apply. Cheque deposit: Yes - with personalised paying in slip and a deposit envelope from a PO branch More Information. For more information on banking with First Direct, please call 03456 100 100. Opening times are 24/7 365 days of the year.