Sometimes these items are located in a safe deposit box or home safe. Wells Fargo Advisors: 1-800-603-1584 Investment & Fiduciary Services.
We Insure Against the Bank’s Confiscation of Your Valuables
When Philip Poniz opened Box 105 at his local Wells Fargo, he discovered it was empty — and that he was totally unprotected by federal law.
Bank safe deposit box thefts have experts stumped
No safe deposit box or home safe is completely protected from theft, fire, flood or other loss or damage. Consider taking precautions…FDIC insurance covers only deposit accounts…don’t expect the bank to reimburse you for theft of or damage to the contents of your safe deposit box…Look for Insurance Coverage…FDIC Winter 2018 Newsletter
A Twin Cities woman thought her cash and valuables were literally money in the bank. But, then she discovered more than $60,000 and family heirlooms missing from her safe deposit box.
50,000 boxes have been impacted by events in the past 3 years, affecting $1.2 billion in property
“Oh my God, how much did they take?…I’m panic stricken, I have to know if they got to mine.” – Roof Top Burglary of Safe Deposit Boxes Devastates Bank Customers in NY.